Switching between Numerical Black-box Optimization Algorithms with
Warm-starting Policies
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06539v2
- Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 09:34:46 GMT
- Title: Switching between Numerical Black-box Optimization Algorithms with
Warm-starting Policies
- Authors: Dominik Schr\"oder, Diederick Vermetten, Hao Wang, Carola Doerr,
Thomas B\"ack
- Abstract summary: We build on Vermetten et al. [GECCO 2020] to investigate promising switches between pairs of algorithms for numerical black-box optimization.
We show that with a single switch between two algorithms, we outperform the best static choice among the five algorithms.
We also show that for switching between BFGS and CMA-ES, a proper warm-starting of the parameters is crucial to realize high-performance gains.
- Score: 3.967483941966979
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: When solving optimization problems with black-box approaches, the algorithms
gather valuable information about the problem instance during the optimization
process. This information is used to adjust the distributions from which new
solution candidates are sampled. In fact, a key objective in evolutionary
computation is to identify the most effective ways to collect and exploit
instance knowledge. However, while considerable work is devoted to adjusting
hyper-parameters of black-box optimization algorithms on the fly or exchanging
some of its modular components, we barely know how to effectively switch
between different black-box optimization algorithms.
In this work, we build on the recent study of Vermetten et al. [GECCO 2020],
who presented a data-driven approach to investigate promising switches between
pairs of algorithms for numerical black-box optimization. We replicate their
approach with a portfolio of five algorithms and investigate whether the
predicted performance gains are realized when executing the most promising
switches. Our results suggest that with a single switch between two algorithms,
we outperform the best static choice among the five algorithms on 48 out of the
120 considered problem instances, the 24 BBOB functions in five different
dimensions. We also show that for switching between BFGS and CMA-ES, a proper
warm-starting of the parameters is crucial to realize high-performance gains.
Lastly, with a sensitivity analysis, we find the actual performance gain per
run is largely affected by the switching point, and in some cases, the
switching point yielding the best actual performance differs from the one
computed from the theoretical gain.
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