Hawking radiation on the lattice from Floquet and local Hamiltonian
quench dynamics
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06583v3
- Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:38:15 GMT
- Title: Hawking radiation on the lattice from Floquet and local Hamiltonian
quench dynamics
- Authors: Daan Maertens, Nick Bultinck, Karel Van Acoleyen
- Abstract summary: We construct two free fermion lattice models exhibiting Hawking pair creation.
For Hawking temperatures up to the inverse lattice spacing we numerically find the resulting Hawking spectrum to be in perfect agreement with the Fermi-Dirac quantum field theory prediction.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We construct two free fermion lattice models exhibiting Hawking pair
creation. Specifically, we consider the simplest case of a d=1+1 massless Dirac
fermion, for which the Hawking effect can be understood in terms of a quench of
the uniform vacuum state with a non-uniform Hamiltonian that interfaces modes
with opposite chirality. For both our models we find that additional modes
arising from the lattice discretization play a crucial role, as they provide
the bulk reservoir for the Hawking radiation: the Hawking pairs emerge from
fermions deep inside the Fermi sea scattering off the effective black hole
horizon. Our first model combines local hopping dynamics with a translation
over one lattice site, and we find the resulting Floquet dynamics to realize a
causal horizon, with fermions scattering from the region outside the horizon.
For our second model, which relies on a purely local hopping Hamiltonian, we
find the fermions to scatter from the inside. In both cases, for Hawking
temperatures up to the inverse lattice spacing we numerically find the
resulting Hawking spectrum to be in perfect agreement with the Fermi-Dirac
quantum field theory prediction.
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