Standardized Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Evolving Data
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- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 16:40:33 GMT
- Title: Standardized Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Evolving Data
- Authors: Johannes Haug, Effi Tramountani, Gjergji Kasneci
- Abstract summary: We propose a comprehensive set of properties for high-quality machine learning in evolving data streams.
We discuss sensible performance measures and evaluation strategies for online predictive modelling, online feature selection and concept drift detection.
The proposed evaluation standards are provided in a new Python framework called float.
- Score: 11.17545155325116
- License:
- Abstract: Due to the unspecified and dynamic nature of data streams, online machine
learning requires powerful and flexible solutions. However, evaluating online
machine learning methods under realistic conditions is difficult. Existing work
therefore often draws on different heuristics and simulations that do not
necessarily produce meaningful and reliable results. Indeed, in the absence of
common evaluation standards, it often remains unclear how online learning
methods will perform in practice or in comparison to similar work. In this
paper, we propose a comprehensive set of properties for high-quality machine
learning in evolving data streams. In particular, we discuss sensible
performance measures and evaluation strategies for online predictive modelling,
online feature selection and concept drift detection. As one of the first
works, we also look at the interpretability of online learning methods. The
proposed evaluation standards are provided in a new Python framework called
float. Float is completely modular and allows the simultaneous integration of
common libraries, such as scikit-multiflow or river, with custom code. Float is
open-sourced and can be accessed at In this
sense, we hope that our work will contribute to more standardized, reliable and
realistic testing and comparison of online machine learning methods.
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