Mean-field Floquet theory for a three-level cold-atom laser
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- Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 17:17:42 GMT
- Title: Mean-field Floquet theory for a three-level cold-atom laser
- Authors: Gage W. Harmon (1), Jarrod T. Reilly (1), Murray J. Holland (1), Simon
B. J\"ager (1 and 2) ((1) JILA and Department of Physics, University of
Colorado, (2) Physics Department and Research Center OPTIMAS, Technische
Universit\"at Kaiserslautern)
- Abstract summary: We present a theoretical description for a lasing scheme for atoms with three internal levels in a $V$-configuration.
The work provides simple methods for understanding complex physics that occur in cold atom lasers with narrow line transitions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We present a theoretical description for a lasing scheme for atoms with three
internal levels in a $V$-configuration and interacting with an optical cavity.
The use of a $V$-level system allows for an efficient closed lasing cycle to be
sustained on a dipole-forbidden transition without the need for incoherent
repumping. This is made possible by utilizing an additional dipole-allowed
transition. We determine the lasing threshold and emission frequency by
performing a stability analysis of the non-lasing solution. In the lasing
regime, we use a mean-field Floquet method (MFFM) to calculate the lasing
intensity and emission frequency. This MFFM predicts the lasing transition to
be accompanied by the breaking of a continuous $U(1)$ symmetry in a single
Fourier component of the total field. In addition, we use the MFFM to derive
bistable lasing and non-lasing solutions that highlight the non-linear nature
of this system. We then test the bistability by studying hysteresis when slowly
ramping external parameters across the threshold and back. Furthermore, we also
compare our mean-field results to a second-order cumulant approach. The work
provides simple methods for understanding complex physics that occur in cold
atom lasers with narrow line transitions.
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