DPO: Dynamic-Programming Optimization on Hybrid Constraints
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08632v1
- Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 21:18:54 GMT
- Title: DPO: Dynamic-Programming Optimization on Hybrid Constraints
- Authors: Vu H. N. Phan and Moshe Y. Vardi
- Abstract summary: In Bayesian inference, the most probable explanation (MPE) problem requests a variable instantiation with the highest probability given some evidence.
It is known that Boolean MPE can be solved via reduction to (weighted partial) MaxSAT.
We build on DPMC and introduce DPO, a dynamic-programming that exactly solves MPE.
- Score: 26.704502486686128
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In Bayesian inference, the most probable explanation (MPE) problem requests a
variable instantiation with the highest probability given some evidence. Since
a Bayesian network can be encoded as a literal-weighted CNF formula $\varphi$,
we study Boolean MPE, a more general problem that requests a model $\tau$ of
$\varphi$ with the highest weight, where the weight of $\tau$ is the product of
weights of literals satisfied by $\tau$. It is known that Boolean MPE can be
solved via reduction to (weighted partial) MaxSAT. Recent work proposed DPMC, a
dynamic-programming model counter that leverages graph-decomposition techniques
to construct project-join trees. A project-join tree is an execution plan that
specifies how to conjoin clauses and project out variables. We build on DPMC
and introduce DPO, a dynamic-programming optimizer that exactly solves Boolean
MPE. By using algebraic decision diagrams (ADDs) to represent pseudo-Boolean
(PB) functions, DPO is able to handle disjunctive clauses as well as XOR
clauses. (Cardinality constraints and PB constraints may also be compactly
represented by ADDs, so one can further extend DPO's support for hybrid
inputs.) To test the competitiveness of DPO, we generate random XOR-CNF
formulas. On these hybrid benchmarks, DPO significantly outperforms MaxHS,
UWrMaxSat, and GaussMaxHS, which are state-of-the-art exact solvers for MaxSAT.
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