A k nearest neighbours classifiers ensemble based on extended
neighbourhood rule and features subsets
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15111v1
- Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 13:57:32 GMT
- Title: A k nearest neighbours classifiers ensemble based on extended
neighbourhood rule and features subsets
- Authors: Amjad Ali, Muhammad Hamraz, Naz Gul, Dost Muhammad Khan, Zardad Khan,
Saeed Aldahmani
- Abstract summary: kNN based ensemble methods minimise the effect of outliers by identifying a set of data points in the given feature space that are nearest to an unseen observation.
This paper proposes a k nearest neighbour ensemble where the neighbours are determined in k steps.
- Score: 0.4709844746265484
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: kNN based ensemble methods minimise the effect of outliers by identifying a
set of data points in the given feature space that are nearest to an unseen
observation in order to predict its response by using majority voting. The
ordinary ensembles based on kNN find out the k nearest observations in a region
(bounded by a sphere) based on a predefined value of k. This scenario, however,
might not work in situations when the test observation follows the pattern of
the closest data points with the same class that lie on a certain path not
contained in the given sphere. This paper proposes a k nearest neighbour
ensemble where the neighbours are determined in k steps. Starting from the
first nearest observation of the test point, the algorithm identifies a single
observation that is closest to the observation at the previous step. At each
base learner in the ensemble, this search is extended to k steps on a random
bootstrap sample with a random subset of features selected from the feature
space. The final predicted class of the test point is determined by using a
majority vote in the predicted classes given by all base models. This new
ensemble method is applied on 17 benchmark datasets and compared with other
classical methods, including kNN based models, in terms of classification
accuracy, kappa and Brier score as performance metrics. Boxplots are also
utilised to illustrate the difference in the results given by the proposed and
other state-of-the-art methods. The proposed method outperformed the rest of
the classical methods in the majority of cases. The paper gives a detailed
simulation study for further assessment.
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