Progressive Purification for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning
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- Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 02:38:00 GMT
- Title: Progressive Purification for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning
- Authors: Ning Xu, Biao Liu, Jiaqi Lv, Congyu Qiao, and Xin Geng
- Abstract summary: Partial label learning (PLL) aims to train multiclass classifiers from the examples each annotated with a set of candidate labels where a fixed but unknown candidate label is correct.
The candidate labels are always instance-dependent in practice and there is no theoretical guarantee that the model trained on the instance-dependent examples can converge to an ideal one.
In this paper, a theoretically grounded and practically effective approach named POP, i.e. PrOgressive Purification, is proposed. Specifically, POP updates the learning model and purifies each candidate label set progressively in every epoch.
- Score: 37.65717805892473
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- Abstract: Partial label learning (PLL) aims to train multiclass classifiers from the
examples each annotated with a set of candidate labels where a fixed but
unknown candidate label is correct. In the last few years, the
instance-independent generation process of candidate labels has been
extensively studied, on the basis of which many theoretical advances have been
made in PLL. Nevertheless, the candidate labels are always instance-dependent
in practice and there is no theoretical guarantee that the model trained on the
instance-dependent PLL examples can converge to an ideal one. In this paper, a
theoretically grounded and practically effective approach named POP, i.e.
PrOgressive Purification for instance-dependent partial label learning, is
proposed. Specifically, POP updates the learning model and purifies each
candidate label set progressively in every epoch. Theoretically, we prove that
POP enlarges the region appropriately fast where the model is reliable, and
eventually approximates the Bayes optimal classifier with mild assumptions.
Technically, POP is flexible with arbitrary PLL losses and could improve the
performance of the previous PLL losses in the instance-dependent case.
Experiments on the benchmark datasets and the real-world datasets validate the
effectiveness of the proposed method.
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