U(1) Symmetry-breaking Observed in Generic CNN Bottleneck Layers
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02220v1
- Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2022 16:54:04 GMT
- Title: U(1) Symmetry-breaking Observed in Generic CNN Bottleneck Layers
- Authors: Louis-Fran\c{c}ois Bouchard, Mohsen Ben Lazreg and Matthew Toews
- Abstract summary: We report on a significant discovery linking deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to biological vision and fundamental particle physics.
A model of information propagation in a CNN is proposed via an analogy to an optical system.
- Score: 2.1829116024916844
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We report on a significant discovery linking deep convolutional neural
networks (CNN) to biological vision and fundamental particle physics. A model
of information propagation in a CNN is proposed via an analogy to an optical
system, where bosonic particles (i.e. photons) are concentrated as the 2D
spatial resolution of the image collapses to a focal point $1\times 1=1$. A 3D
space $(x,y,t)$ is defined by $(x,y)$ coordinates in the image plane and CNN
layer $t$, where a principal ray $(0,0,t)$ runs in the direction of information
propagation through both the optical axis and the image center pixel located at
$(x,y)=(0,0)$, about which the sharpest possible spatial focus is limited to a
circle of confusion in the image plane. Our novel insight is to model the
principal optical ray $(0,0,t)$ as geometrically equivalent to the medial
vector in the positive orthant $I(x,y) \in R^{N+}$ of a $N$-channel activation
space, e.g. along the greyscale (or luminance) vector $(t,t,t)$ in $RGB$ colour
space. Information is thus concentrated into an energy potential
$E(x,y,t)=\|I(x,y,t)\|^2$, which, particularly for bottleneck layers $t$ of
generic CNNs, is highly concentrated and symmetric about the spatial origin
$(0,0,t)$ and exhibits the well-known "Sombrero" potential of the boson
particle. This symmetry is broken in classification, where bottleneck layers of
generic pre-trained CNN models exhibit a consistent class-specific bias towards
an angle $\theta \in U(1)$ defined simultaneously in the image plane and in
activation feature space. Initial observations validate our hypothesis from
generic pre-trained CNN activation maps and a bare-bones memory-based
classification scheme, with no training or tuning. Training from scratch using
a random $U(1)$ class label the leads to improved classification in all cases.
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