Subject Granular Differential Privacy in Federated Learning
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- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 15:37:11 GMT
- Title: Subject Granular Differential Privacy in Federated Learning
- Authors: Virendra J. Marathe and Pallika Kanani and Daniel W. Peterson and Guy
Steele Jr
- Abstract summary: We propose two new algorithms that enforce subject level DP at each federation user locally.
Our first algorithm, called LocalGroupDP, is a straightforward application of group differential privacy in the popular DP-SGD algorithm.
Our second algorithm is based on a novel idea of hierarchical gradient averaging (HiGradAvgDP) for subjects participating in a training mini-batch.
- Score: 2.9439848714137447
- License:
- Abstract: This paper considers subject level privacy in the FL setting, where a subject
is an individual whose private information is embodied by several data items
either confined within a single federation user or distributed across multiple
federation users. We propose two new algorithms that enforce subject level DP
at each federation user locally. Our first algorithm, called LocalGroupDP, is a
straightforward application of group differential privacy in the popular DP-SGD
algorithm. Our second algorithm is based on a novel idea of hierarchical
gradient averaging (HiGradAvgDP) for subjects participating in a training
mini-batch. We also show that user level Local Differential Privacy (LDP)
naturally guarantees subject level DP. We observe the problem of horizontal
composition of subject level privacy loss in FL - subject level privacy loss
incurred at individual users composes across the federation. We formally prove
the subject level DP guarantee for our algorithms, and also show their effect
on model utility loss. Our empirical evaluation on FEMNIST and Shakespeare
datasets shows that LocalGroupDP delivers the best performance among our
algorithms. However, its model utility lags behind that of models trained using
a DP-SGD based algorithm that provides a weaker item level privacy guarantee.
Privacy loss amplification due to subject sampling fractions and horizontal
composition remain key challenges for model utility.
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