論文の概要: Formation of robust bound states of interacting microwave photons
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05254v3
- Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 15:21:19 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-09 22:53:43.915787
- Title: Formation of robust bound states of interacting microwave photons
- Title(参考訳): 相互作用するマイクロ波光子のロバストバウンド状態の形成
- Authors: Alexis Morvan, Trond I. Andersen, Xiao Mi, Charles Neill, Andre
Petukhov, Kostyantyn Kechedzhi, Dmitry Abanin, Rajeev Acharya, Frank Arute,
Kunal Arya, Abraham Asfaw, Juan Atalaya, Ryan Babbush, Dave Bacon, Joseph C.
Bardin, Joao Basso, Andreas Bengtsson, Gina Bortoli, Alexandre Bourassa,
Jenna Bovaird, Leon Brill, Michael Broughton, Bob B. Buckley, David A. Buell,
Tim Burger, Brian Burkett, Nicholas Bushnell, Zijun Chen, Ben Chiaro, Roberto
Collins, Paul Conner, William Courtney, Alexander L. Crook, Ben Curtin,
Dripto M. Debroy, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Sean Demura, Andrew Dunsworth,
Daniel Eppens, Catherine Erickson, Lara Faoro, Edward Farhi, Reza Fatemi,
Leslie Flores Burgos, Ebrahim Forati, Austin G. Fowler, Brooks Foxen, William
Giang, Craig Gidney, Dar Gilboa, Marissa Giustina, Alejandro Grajales Dau,
Jonathan A. Gross, Steve Habegger, Michael C. Hamilton, Matthew P. Harrigan,
Sean D. Harrington, Jeremy Hilton, Markus Hoffmann, Sabrina Hong, Trent
Huang, Ashley Huff, William J. Huggins, Sergei V. Isakov, Justin Iveland,
Evan Jeffrey, Zhang Jiang, Cody Jones, Pavol Juhas, Dvir Kafri, Tanuj
Khattar, Mostafa Khezri, Marika Kieferova, Seon Kim, Alexei Kitaev, Paul V.
Klimov, Andrey R. Klots, Alexander N. Korotkov, Fedor Kostritsa, John Mark
Kreikebaum, David Landhuis, Pavel Laptev, Kim-Ming Lau, Lily Laws, Joonho
Lee, Kenny Lee, Brian J. Lester, Alexander Lill, Wayne Liu, Aditya Locharla,
Erik Lucero, Fionn D. Malone, Orion Martin, Jarrod R. McClean, Matt McEwen,
Bernardo Meurer Costa, Kevin C. Miao, Masoud Mohseni, Shirin Montazeri, Emily
Mount, Wojciech Mruczkiewicz, Ofer Naaman, Matthew Neeley, Ani Nersisyan,
Michael Newman, Anthony Nguyen, Murray Nguyen, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Thomas E.
O'Brien, Ricardo Olenewa, Alex Opremcak, Rebecca Potter, Chris Quintana,
Nicholas C. Rubin, Negar Saei, Daniel Sank, Kannan Sankaragomathi, Kevin J.
Satzinger, Henry F. Schurkus, Christopher Schuster, Michael J. Shearn, Aaron
Shorter, Vladimir Shvarts, Jindra Skruzny, W. Clarke Smith, George Sterling,
Doug Strain, Yuan Su, Marco Szalay, Alfredo Torres, Guifre Vidal, Benjamin
Villalonga, Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller, Theodore White, Cheng Xing, Z.
Jamie Yao, Ping Yeh, Juhwan Yoo, Adam Zalcman, Yaxing Zhang, Ningfeng Zhu,
Hartmut Neven, Sergio Boixo, Anthony Megrant, Julian Kelly, Yu Chen, Vadim
Smelyanskiy, Igor Aleiner, Lev B. Ioffe, Pedram Roushan
- Abstract要約: 相互作用系の目印の1つは、多粒子境界状態の形成である。
我々は,スピン-1/2 XXZモデルの周期量子回路を実装した高忠実度パラメータ化可能なfSimゲートを開発した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 148.37607455646454
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Systems of correlated particles appear in many fields of science and
represent some of the most intractable puzzles in nature. The computational
challenge in these systems arises when interactions become comparable to other
energy scales, which makes the state of each particle depend on all other
particles. The lack of general solutions for the 3-body problem and acceptable
theory for strongly correlated electrons shows that our understanding of
correlated systems fades when the particle number or the interaction strength
increases. One of the hallmarks of interacting systems is the formation of
multi-particle bound states. In a ring of 24 superconducting qubits, we develop
a high fidelity parameterizable fSim gate that we use to implement the periodic
quantum circuit of the spin-1/2 XXZ model, an archetypal model of interaction.
By placing microwave photons in adjacent qubit sites, we study the propagation
of these excitations and observe their bound nature for up to 5 photons. We
devise a phase sensitive method for constructing the few-body spectrum of the
bound states and extract their pseudo-charge by introducing a synthetic flux.
By introducing interactions between the ring and additional qubits, we observe
an unexpected resilience of the bound states to integrability breaking. This
finding goes against the common wisdom that bound states in non-integrable
systems are unstable when their energies overlap with the continuum spectrum.
Our work provides experimental evidence for bound states of interacting photons
and discovers their stability beyond the integrability limit.
- Abstract(参考訳): 相関粒子の系は科学の多くの分野に現れ、自然界で最も難解なパズルを表現している。
24個の超伝導量子ビットからなるリングにおいて,スピン-1/2 XXZモデルの周期量子回路を実装するために,高忠実度パラメータ化可能なfSimゲートを開発した。
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