Why Quantization Improves Generalization: NTK of Binary Weight Neural
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05916v1
- Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 06:11:21 GMT
- Title: Why Quantization Improves Generalization: NTK of Binary Weight Neural
- Authors: Kaiqi Zhang, Ming Yin, Yu-Xiang Wang
- Abstract summary: We take the binary weights in a neural network as random variables under rounding, and study the distribution propagation over different layers in the neural network.
We propose a quasi neural network to approximate the distribution propagation, which is a neural network with continuous parameters and smooth activation function.
- Score: 33.08636537654596
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Quantized neural networks have drawn a lot of attention as they reduce the
space and computational complexity during the inference. Moreover, there has
been folklore that quantization acts as an implicit regularizer and thus can
improve the generalizability of neural networks, yet no existing work
formalizes this interesting folklore. In this paper, we take the binary weights
in a neural network as random variables under stochastic rounding, and study
the distribution propagation over different layers in the neural network. We
propose a quasi neural network to approximate the distribution propagation,
which is a neural network with continuous parameters and smooth activation
function. We derive the neural tangent kernel (NTK) for this quasi neural
network, and show that the eigenvalue of NTK decays at approximately
exponential rate, which is comparable to that of Gaussian kernel with
randomized scale. This in turn indicates that the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert
Space (RKHS) of a binary weight neural network covers a strict subset of
functions compared with the one with real value weights. We use experiments to
verify that the quasi neural network we proposed can well approximate binary
weight neural network. Furthermore, binary weight neural network gives a lower
generalization gap compared with real value weight neural network, which is
similar to the difference between Gaussian kernel and Laplace kernel.
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