Sparse Structure Search for Parameter-Efficient Tuning
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- Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 08:45:21 GMT
- Title: Sparse Structure Search for Parameter-Efficient Tuning
- Authors: Shengding Hu, Zhen Zhang, Ning Ding, Yadao Wang, Yasheng Wang, Zhiyuan
Liu, Maosong Sun
- Abstract summary: We show that S$3$PET surpasses manual and random structures with less trainable parameters.
The searched structures preserve more than 99% fine-tuning performance with 0.01% trainable parameters.
- Score: 85.49094523664428
- License:
- Abstract: Adapting large pre-trained models (PTMs) through fine-tuning imposes
prohibitive computational and storage burdens. Recent studies of
parameter-efficient tuning (PET) find that only optimizing a small portion of
parameters conditioned on PTMs could yield on-par performance compared to
conventional fine-tuning. Generally, PET methods exquisitely design
parameter-efficient modules (PET modules) which could be applied to arbitrary
fine-grained positions inside PTMs. However, the effectiveness of these
fine-grained positions largely relies on sophisticated manual designation,
thereby usually producing sub-optimal results. In contrast to the manual
designation, we explore constructing PET modules in an automatic manner. We
automatically \textbf{S}earch for the \textbf{S}parse \textbf{S}tructure of
\textbf{P}arameter-\textbf{E}fficient \textbf{T}uning (S$^3$PET). Based on a
unified framework of various PET methods, S$^3$PET conducts the differentiable
PET structure search through bi-level optimization and proposes shifted global
sigmoid method to explicitly control the number of trainable parameters.
Extensive experiments show that S$^3$PET surpasses manual and random structures
with less trainable parameters. The searched structures preserve more than 99\%
fine-tuning performance with 0.01\% trainable parameters. Moreover, the
advantage of S$^3$PET is amplified with extremely low trainable parameters
budgets (0.0009\%$\sim$0.01\%). The searched structures are transferable and
explainable, providing suggestions and guidance for the future design of PET
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