Exploring the Impact of Model Scaling on Parameter-Efficient Tuning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02320v2
- Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 19:43:28 GMT
- Title: Exploring the Impact of Model Scaling on Parameter-Efficient Tuning
- Authors: Yusheng Su, Chi-Min Chan, Jiali Cheng, Yujia Qin, Yankai Lin,
Shengding Hu, Zonghan Yang, Ning Ding, Xingzhi Sun, Guotong Xie, Zhiyuan Liu,
Maosong Sun
- Abstract summary: Scaling-efficient tuning (PET) methods can effectively drive extremely large pre-trained language models (PLMs)
In small PLMs, there are usually noticeable performance differences among PET methods.
We introduce a more flexible PET method called Arbitrary PET (APET) method.
- Score: 100.61202305296275
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Parameter-efficient tuning (PET) methods can effectively drive extremely
large pre-trained language models (PLMs) by training only minimal parameters.
Different PET methods utilize different manually designed tunable modules. In
small PLMs, there are usually noticeable performance differences among PET
methods. Nevertheless, as the model scale increases, the performance
differences become marginal. Hence, we hypothesize that model scaling mitigates
the impact of design differences on PET methods. To investigate this
hypothesis, we introduce a more flexible PET method called Arbitrary PET (APET)
method. The APET method is compatible with a tunable module, which consists of
any number of parameters distributed in arbitrary positions. Then, we utilize
it and conduct experiments on 11 NLP tasks across 3 representative PLMs. Our
investigations reveal that model scaling (1) mitigates the effects of the
positions of tunable parameters on performance, and (2) enables tuning methods
to achieve performance comparable to full-parameter fine-tuning by optimizing
fewer tunable parameters. Intriguingly, we also observe that tuning methods
optimize the similar number of tunable parameters to exceed random guess
performance on different tasks. We collectively discuss this phenomenon and the
two aforementioned findings from an optimization perspective to understand the
underlying mechanisms. These conclusions enhance our understanding of the
impact of model scaling on PET and assist in designing more effective and
efficient PET methods for PLMs of different scales. The source code can be
obtained from this GitHub repository:
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