A New Look at the $C^{0}$-formulation of the Strong Cosmic Censorship
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08716v1
- Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:14:33 GMT
- Title: A New Look at the $C^{0}$-formulation of the Strong Cosmic Censorship
- Authors: Aditya Iyer, Alexander Y. Yosifov and Vlatko Vedral
- Abstract summary: We argue that for generic black hole parameters as initial conditions for Einstein equations, the metric is $C0$-extendable to a larger Lorentzian manifold.
We prove it violates the "complexity=volume" conjecture for a low-temperature hyperbolic AdS$_d+1$ black hole dual to a CFT living on a ($d-1$)-dimensional hyperboloid $H_d-1$.
- Score: 68.8204255655161
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We examine the $C^{0}$-formulation of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture
(SCC) from a quantum complexity-theoretic perspective and argue that for
generic black hole parameters as initial conditions for the Einstein equations,
corresponding to the expected geometry of a hyperbolic black hole, the metric
is $C^{0}$-extendable to a larger Lorentzian manifold across the Cauchy
horizon. To demonstrate the pathologies associated with a hypothetical validity
of the $C^{0}$ SCC, we prove it violates the "complexity=volume" conjecture for
a low-temperature hyperbolic AdS$_{d+1}$ black hole dual to a CFT living on a
($d-1$)-dimensional hyperboloid $H_{d-1}$, where in order to preserve the
gauge/gravity duality we impose a lower bound on the interior metric
extendability of order the classical recurrence time.
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