Duality, Criticality, Anomaly, and Topology in Quantum Spin-1 Chains
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15791v3
- Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:09:12 GMT
- Title: Duality, Criticality, Anomaly, and Topology in Quantum Spin-1 Chains
- Authors: Hong Yang, Linhao Li, Kouichi Okunishi, Hosho Katsura
- Abstract summary: We argue that a model with self-duality (i.e., invariant under $U_textKT$) is natural to be at a critical or multicritical point.
In particular, when $H$ is the Hamiltonian of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain, we prove that the self-dual model $H + U_textKT$ is exactly equivalent to a gapless spin-$1/2$ XY chain.
- Score: 15.795926248847026
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In quantum spin-1 chains, there is a nonlocal unitary transformation known as
the Kennedy-Tasaki transformation $U_{\text{KT}}$, which defines a duality
between the Haldane phase and the $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$
symmetry-breaking phase. In this paper, we find that $U_{\text{KT}}$ also
defines a duality between a topological Ising critical phase and a trivial
Ising critical phase, which provides a "hidden symmetry breaking"
interpretation for the topological criticality. Moreover, since the duality
relates different phases of matter, we argue that a model with self-duality
(i.e., invariant under $U_{\text{KT}}$) is natural to be at a critical or
multicritical point. We study concrete examples to demonstrate this argument.
In particular, when $H$ is the Hamiltonian of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain, we prove that the self-dual model $H + U_{\text{KT}} H
U_{\text{KT}}$ is exactly equivalent to a gapless spin-$1/2$ XY chain, which
also implies an emergent quantum anomaly. On the other hand, we show that the
topological and trivial Ising criticalities that are dual to each other meet at
a multicritical point which is indeed self-dual.
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