A Langevin-like Sampler for Discrete Distributions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09914v1
- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:36:03 GMT
- Title: A Langevin-like Sampler for Discrete Distributions
- Authors: Ruqi Zhang, Xingchao Liu, Qiang Liu
- Abstract summary: discrete Langevin proposal (DLP) is a simple and scalable gradient-based proposal for sampling complex high-dimensional discrete distributions.
DLP is able to update all coordinates in parallel in a single step and the magnitude of changes is controlled by a stepsize.
We develop several variants of sampling algorithms, including unadjusted, adjusted, and preconditioned versions.
- Score: 15.260564469562542
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We propose discrete Langevin proposal (DLP), a simple and scalable
gradient-based proposal for sampling complex high-dimensional discrete
distributions. In contrast to Gibbs sampling-based methods, DLP is able to
update all coordinates in parallel in a single step and the magnitude of
changes is controlled by a stepsize. This allows a cheap and efficient
exploration in the space of high-dimensional and strongly correlated variables.
We prove the efficiency of DLP by showing that the asymptotic bias of its
stationary distribution is zero for log-quadratic distributions, and is small
for distributions that are close to being log-quadratic. With DLP, we develop
several variants of sampling algorithms, including unadjusted,
Metropolis-adjusted, stochastic and preconditioned versions. DLP outperforms
many popular alternatives on a wide variety of tasks, including Ising models,
restricted Boltzmann machines, deep energy-based models, binary neural networks
and language generation.
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