Impossibility of superluminal signalling in Minkowski space-time does
not rule out causal loops
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- Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2022 18:16:54 GMT
- Title: Impossibility of superluminal signalling in Minkowski space-time does
not rule out causal loops
- Authors: V. Vilasini and Roger Colbeck
- Abstract summary: We show the possibility of causal loops that can be embedded in a Minkowski space-time without leading to superluminal signalling.
The existence of such loops in the given space-time could in principle be operationally verified using interventions.
- Score: 2.0305676256390934
- License:
- Abstract: Causality is fundamental to science, but it appears in several different
forms. One is relativistic causality, which is tied to a space-time structure
and forbids signalling outside the future. A second is an operational notion of
causation that considers the flow of information between physical systems and
interventions on them. In [Vilasini and Colbeck, Phys. Rev. A. 106, 032204
(2022)], we propose a framework for characterising when a causal model can
coexist with relativistic principles such as no superluminal signalling, while
allowing for cyclic and non-classical causal influences and the possibility of
causation without signalling. In a theory without superluminal causation, both
superluminal signalling and causal loops are not possible in Minkowski
space-time. Here we demonstrate that if we only forbid superluminal signalling,
superluminal causation remains possible and show the mathematical possibility
of causal loops that can be embedded in a Minkowski space-time without leading
to superluminal signalling. The existence of such loops in the given space-time
could in principle be operationally verified using interventions. This
establishes that the physical principle of no superluminal signalling is not by
itself sufficient to rule out causal loops between Minkowski space-time events.
Interestingly, the conditions required to rule out causal loops in a space-time
depend on the dimension. Whether such loops are possible in three spatial
dimensions remains an important open question.
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