Transferable Graph Backdoor Attack
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- Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 01:10:57 GMT
- Title: Transferable Graph Backdoor Attack
- Authors: Shuiqiao Yang, Bao Gia Doan, Paul Montague, Olivier De Vel, Tamas
Abraham, Seyit Camtepe, Damith C. Ranasinghe, Salil S. Kanhere
- Abstract summary: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved tremendous success in many graph mining tasks.
GNNs are found to be vulnerable to unnoticeable perturbations on both graph structure and node features.
In this paper, we disclose the TRAP attack, a Transferable GRAPh backdoor attack.
- Score: 13.110473828583725
- License:
- Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved tremendous success in many graph
mining tasks benefitting from the message passing strategy that fuses the local
structure and node features for better graph representation learning. Despite
the success of GNNs, and similar to other types of deep neural networks, GNNs
are found to be vulnerable to unnoticeable perturbations on both graph
structure and node features. Many adversarial attacks have been proposed to
disclose the fragility of GNNs under different perturbation strategies to
create adversarial examples. However, vulnerability of GNNs to successful
backdoor attacks was only shown recently. In this paper, we disclose the TRAP
attack, a Transferable GRAPh backdoor attack. The core attack principle is to
poison the training dataset with perturbation-based triggers that can lead to
an effective and transferable backdoor attack. The perturbation trigger for a
graph is generated by performing the perturbation actions on the graph
structure via a gradient based score matrix from a surrogate model. Compared
with prior works, TRAP attack is different in several ways: i) it exploits a
surrogate Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) model to generate perturbation
triggers for a blackbox based backdoor attack; ii) it generates sample-specific
perturbation triggers which do not have a fixed pattern; and iii) the attack
transfers, for the first time in the context of GNNs, to different GNN models
when trained with the forged poisoned training dataset. Through extensive
evaluations on four real-world datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of
the TRAP attack to build transferable backdoors in four different popular GNNs
using four real-world datasets.
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