Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer
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- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2022 04:25:49 GMT
- Title: Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer
- Authors: C. Huerta Alderete, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Yingyue Zhu,
Norbert M. Linke, and B. M. Rodr\'iguez-Lara
- Abstract summary: We report the digital quantum simulation of para-particles by mapping para-particle states to the state of a qubit register.
We experimentally simulate the dynamics of para-fermions and para-bosons on a quantum computer.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Deformed oscillators allow for a generalization of the standard fermions and
bosons, namely, for the description of para-particles. Such particles, while
indiscernible in nature, can represent good candidates for descriptions of
physical phenomena like topological phases of matter. Here, we report the
digital quantum simulation of para-particle oscillators by mapping
para-particle states to the state of a qubit register, which allow us to
identify the para-particle oscillator Hamiltonian as an $XY$ model, and further
digitize the system onto a universal set of gates. In both instances, the gate
depth grows polynomially with the number of qubits used. To establish the
validity of our results, we experimentally simulate the dynamics of
para-fermions and para-bosons, demonstrating full control of para-particle
oscillators on a quantum computer. Furthermore, we compare the overall
performance of the digital simulation of dynamics of the driven para-Fermi
oscillator to a recent analog quantum simulation result.
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