Point-to-Box Network for Accurate Object Detection via Single Point
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06827v1
- Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 11:32:00 GMT
- Title: Point-to-Box Network for Accurate Object Detection via Single Point
- Authors: Pengfei Chen, Xuehui Yu, Xumeng Han, Najmul Hassan, Kai Wang, Jiachen
Li, Jian Zhao, Humphrey Shi, Zhenjun Han, and Qixiang Ye
- Abstract summary: We introduce a lightweight alternative to the off-the-shelf proposal (OTSP) method.
P2BNet can construct an inter-objects balanced proposal bag by generating proposals in an anchor-like way.
The code will be released at COCO.com/ucas-vg/P2BNet.
- Score: 51.95993495703855
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Object detection using single point supervision has received increasing
attention over the years. In this paper, we attribute such a large performance
gap to the failure of generating high-quality proposal bags which are crucial
for multiple instance learning (MIL). To address this problem, we introduce a
lightweight alternative to the off-the-shelf proposal (OTSP) method and thereby
create the Point-to-Box Network (P2BNet), which can construct an inter-objects
balanced proposal bag by generating proposals in an anchor-like way. By fully
investigating the accurate position information, P2BNet further constructs an
instance-level bag, avoiding the mixture of multiple objects. Finally, a
coarse-to-fine policy in a cascade fashion is utilized to improve the IoU
between proposals and ground-truth (GT). Benefiting from these strategies,
P2BNet is able to produce high-quality instance-level bags for object
detection. P2BNet improves the mean average precision (AP) by more than 50%
relative to the previous best PSOD method on the MS COCO dataset. It also
demonstrates the great potential to bridge the performance gap between point
supervised and bounding-box supervised detectors. The code will be released at
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