Privacy Against Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning
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- Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2022 18:33:52 GMT
- Title: Privacy Against Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning
- Authors: Borzoo Rassouli, Morteza Varasteh and Deniz Gunduz
- Abstract summary: Vertical federated learning is considered, where an active party, having access to true class labels, wishes to build a classification model by utilizing more features from a passive party.
Several inference attack techniques are proposed that the adversary, i.e., the active party, can employ to reconstruct the passive party's features, regarded as sensitive information.
As a defense mechanism, two privacy-preserving schemes are proposed that worsen the adversary's reconstruction attacks, while preserving the full benefits that VFL brings to the active party.
- Score: 13.234975857626749
- License:
- Abstract: Vertical federated learning is considered, where an active party, having
access to true class labels, wishes to build a classification model by
utilizing more features from a passive party, which has no access to the
labels, to improve the model accuracy. In the prediction phase, with logistic
regression as the classification model, several inference attack techniques are
proposed that the adversary, i.e., the active party, can employ to reconstruct
the passive party's features, regarded as sensitive information. These attacks,
which are mainly based on a classical notion of the center of a set, i.e., the
Chebyshev center, are shown to be superior to those proposed in the literature.
Moreover, several theoretical performance guarantees are provided for the
aforementioned attacks. Subsequently, we consider the minimum amount of
information that the adversary needs to fully reconstruct the passive party's
features. In particular, it is shown that when the passive party holds one
feature, and the adversary is only aware of the signs of the parameters
involved, it can perfectly reconstruct that feature when the number of
predictions is large enough. Next, as a defense mechanism, two
privacy-preserving schemes are proposed that worsen the adversary's
reconstruction attacks, while preserving the full benefits that VFL brings to
the active party. Finally, experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed attacks and the privacy-preserving schemes.
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