論文の概要: On Computing Probabilistic Explanations for Decision Trees
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12213v1
- Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 21:58:31 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-07-31 14:48:08.970353
- Title: On Computing Probabilistic Explanations for Decision Trees
- Title(参考訳): 決定木に対する確率的説明の計算について
- Authors: Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barcel\'o, Miguel Romero, Bernardo Subercaseaux
- Abstract要約: 十分な理由は、決定木を$T$とインスタンスを$x$とすると、決定を$T(x)$とします。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 4.406418914680962
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Formal XAI (explainable AI) is a growing area that focuses on computing
explanations with mathematical guarantees for the decisions made by ML models.
Inside formal XAI, one of the most studied cases is that of explaining the
choices taken by decision trees, as they are traditionally deemed as one of the
most interpretable classes of models. Recent work has focused on studying the
computation of "sufficient reasons", a kind of explanation in which given a
decision tree $T$ and an instance $x$, one explains the decision $T(x)$ by
providing a subset $y$ of the features of $x$ such that for any other instance
$z$ compatible with $y$, it holds that $T(z) = T(x)$, intuitively meaning that
the features in $y$ are already enough to fully justify the classification of
$x$ by $T$. It has been argued, however, that sufficient reasons constitute a
restrictive notion of explanation, and thus the community has started to study
their probabilistic counterpart, in which one requires that the probability of
$T(z) = T(x)$ must be at least some value $\delta \in (0, 1]$, where $z$ is a
random instance that is compatible with $y$. Our paper settles the
computational complexity of $\delta$-sufficient-reasons over decision trees,
showing that both (1) finding $\delta$-sufficient-reasons that are minimal in
size, and (2) finding $\delta$-sufficient-reasons that are minimal
inclusion-wise, do not admit polynomial-time algorithms (unless P=NP). This is
in stark contrast with the deterministic case ($\delta = 1$) where
inclusion-wise minimal sufficient-reasons are easy to compute. By doing this,
we answer two open problems originally raised by Izza et al. On the positive
side, we identify structural restrictions of decision trees that make the
problem tractable, and show how SAT solvers might be able to tackle these
problems in practical settings.
- Abstract(参考訳): フォーマルXAI(説明可能なAI)は、MLモデルによる決定に対する数学的保証を備えたコンピューティングの説明に焦点を当てる成長分野である。
最近の研究は「十分な理由」の計算の研究に重点を置いており、決定木$T$とインスタンス$x$が与えられた場合、決定木$T(x)$が$x$の機能のサブセットである$y$を提供することで、$y$と互換性のある他のインスタンス$z$が$y$と互換性がある場合、$T(z) = T(x)$は直感的には、$y$の機能は$x$の分類を完全に正当化するのに十分であることを意味する。
しかし、十分な理由が説明の制限的な概念であり、したがってコミュニティはそれらの確率的対応について研究を始めており、そこでは$t(z) = t(x)$の確率は少なくとも$\delta \in (0, 1]$の値でなければならない。
これは、包含的に最小限の十分推論が容易に計算できる決定論的ケース(\delta = 1$)とは対照的である。
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