The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubits
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- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:44:04 GMT
- Title: The minimal communication cost for simulating entangled qubits
- Authors: Martin J. Renner, Marco T\'ulio Quintino
- Abstract summary: We analyze the amount of classical communication required to reproduce the statistics of local projective measurements on a general pair of entangled qubits.
We construct a protocol that perfectly simulates local projective measurements on all entangled qubit pairs by communicating one classical trit.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We analyze the amount of classical communication required to reproduce the
statistics of local projective measurements on a general pair of entangled
qubits, $|\Psi_{AB}>=\sqrt{p}\ |00>+\sqrt{1-p}\ |11>$ (with $1/2\leq p \leq
1$). We construct a classical protocol that perfectly simulates local
projective measurements on all entangled qubit pairs by communicating one
classical trit. Additionally, when $\frac{2p(1-p)}{2p-1}
\log{\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)}+2(1-p)\leq1$, approximately $0.835 \leq p \leq
1$, we present a classical protocol that requires only a single bit of
communication. The latter model even allows a perfect classical simulation with
an average communication cost that approaches zero in the limit where the
degree of entanglement approaches zero ($p \to 1$). This proves that the
communication cost for simulating weakly entangled qubit pairs is strictly
smaller than for the maximally entangled one.
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