論文の概要: Deep learning-based algorithm for assessment of knee osteoarthritis
severity in radiographs matches performance of radiologists
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12521v1
- Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 20:35:17 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-07-27 13:19:38.764435
- Title: Deep learning-based algorithm for assessment of knee osteoarthritis
severity in radiographs matches performance of radiologists
- Title(参考訳): 放射線検査における膝関節炎の重症度評価のための深層学習アルゴリズム
- Authors: Albert Swiecicki, Nianyi Li, Jonathan O'Donnell, Nicholas Said, Jichen
Yang, Richard C. Mather, William A. Jiranek, Maciej A. Mazurowski
- Abstract要約: 完全重み付き深層学習アルゴリズムは、X線写真における膝関節炎重症度の評価において、放射線技師のパフォーマンスと一致した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 10.702936171938774
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: A fully-automated deep learning algorithm matched performance of radiologists
in assessment of knee osteoarthritis severity in radiographs using the
Kellgren-Lawrence grading system.
To develop an automated deep learning-based algorithm that jointly uses
Posterior-Anterior (PA) and Lateral (LAT) views of knee radiographs to assess
knee osteoarthritis severity according to the Kellgren-Lawrence grading system.
We used a dataset of 9739 exams from 2802 patients from Multicenter
Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). The dataset was divided into a training set of
2040 patients, a validation set of 259 patients and a test set of 503 patients.
A novel deep learning-based method was utilized for assessment of knee OA in
two steps: (1) localization of knee joints in the images, (2) classification
according to the KL grading system. Our method used both PA and LAT views as
the input to the model. The scores generated by the algorithm were compared to
the grades provided in the MOST dataset for the entire test set as well as
grades provided by 5 radiologists at our institution for a subset of the test
The model obtained a multi-class accuracy of 71.90% on the entire test set
when compared to the ratings provided in the MOST dataset. The quadratic
weighted Kappa coefficient for this set was 0.9066. The average quadratic
weighted Kappa between all pairs of radiologists from our institution who took
a part of study was 0.748. The average quadratic-weighted Kappa between the
algorithm and the radiologists at our institution was 0.769.
The proposed model performed demonstrated equivalency of KL classification to
MSK radiologists, but clearly superior reproducibility. Our model also agreed
with radiologists at our institution to the same extent as the radiologists
with each other. The algorithm could be used to provide reproducible assessment
of knee osteoarthritis severity.
- Abstract(参考訳): 完全自動深層学習アルゴリズムは,Kellgren-Lawrenceグレーティングシステムを用いたX線写真における膝関節炎の重症度評価において,放射線技師のパフォーマンスと一致した。
膝関節症の重症度をKellgren-Lawrence grading systemに従って評価するために、後アンテリア(PA)と側ラテラル(LAT)ビューを併用した自動ディープラーニングベースのアルゴリズムを開発する。
このアルゴリズムにより得られたスコアは, テストセット全体を対象としたMOSTデータセットと, テストセットのサブセットについて, 当施設の5人の放射線学者による評価結果とを比較した。
この集合の二次重み付きカッパ係数は 0.9066 である。
また, 当施設の放射線科医は, 放射線科医と同程度に一致した。
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