Multi-partite subspaces containing no locally inaccessible information
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- Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 18:31:57 GMT
- Title: Multi-partite subspaces containing no locally inaccessible information
- Authors: Sarah Croke
- Abstract summary: We show that measurements on encoded qubits in two-dimensional subspaces may be performed locally.
This requires only local measurement and feed-forward of classical information.
Results may have practical applications to the measurement of encoded qubits in e.g. quantum secret sharing.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: One notion of non-locality in quantum theory is the fact that information may
be encoded in a composite system in such a way that it is not accessible
through local measurements, even with the assistance of classical
communication. Thus, contrary to the classical case, there exists information
in quantum many body systems which cannot be accessed locally. We show however
that, remarkably, two-dimensional subspaces do not have this property: any
physically allowed measurement on information encoded in any two-dimensional
subspace, regardless of entanglement or multi-partite structure, may be
performed locally. Further, this requires only local measurement and
feed-forward of classical information, readily achievable in many experimental
platforms. As an application to quantum secret sharing we suggest a twist on a
well known quantum information splitting protocol, which ensures that no
receiving party ever has access to the full state sent, but parties must work
together to perform measurements on the state. These results may have practical
applications to the measurement of encoded qubits in e.g. quantum secret
sharing, quantum error correction, and reveal a fundamental property unique to
two-dimensional subspaces.
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