Full counting statistics of interacting lattice gases after an
expansion: The role of the condensate depletion in the many-body coherence
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.14070v2
- Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 18:38:39 GMT
- Title: Full counting statistics of interacting lattice gases after an
expansion: The role of the condensate depletion in the many-body coherence
- Authors: Ga\'etan Herc\'e, Jan-Philipp Bureik, Antoine T\'enart, Alain Aspect,
Alexandre Dareau, David Cl\'ement
- Abstract summary: We study the full counting statistics (FCS) of quantum gases in samples of thousands of interacting bosons.
FCS reveals the many-body coherence from which we characterize iconic states of interacting lattice bosons.
- Score: 55.41644538483948
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study the full counting statistics (FCS) of quantum gases in samples of
thousands of interacting bosons, detected atom-by-atom after a long free-fall
expansion. In this far-field configuration, the FCS reveals the many-body
coherence from which we characterize iconic states of interacting lattice
bosons, by deducing the normalized correlations $g^{(n)}(0)$ up to the order
$n=6$. In Mott insulators, we find a thermal FCS characterized by
perfectly-contrasted correlations $g^{(n)}(0)= n!$. In interacting Bose
superfluids, we observe small deviations to the Poisson FCS and to the ideal
values $g^{(n)}(0)=1$ expected for a pure condensate. To describe these
deviations, we introduce a heuristic model that includes an incoherent
contribution attributed to the depletion of the condensate. The predictions of
the model agree quantitatively with our measurements over a large range of
interaction strengths, that includes the regime where the condensate is
strongly depleted by interactions. These results suggest that the condensate
component exhibits a full coherence $g^{(n)}(0) =1$ at any order $n$ up to
$n=6$ and at arbitrary interaction strengths. The approach demonstrated here is
readily extendable to characterize a large variety of interacting quantum
states and phase transitions.
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