NAPA: Intermediate-level Variational Native-pulse Ansatz for Variational
Quantum Algorithms
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- Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 01:42:49 GMT
- Title: NAPA: Intermediate-level Variational Native-pulse Ansatz for Variational
Quantum Algorithms
- Authors: Zhiding Liang, Jinglei Cheng, Hang Ren, Hanrui Wang, Fei Hua, Zhixin
Song, Yongshan Ding, Fred Chong, Song Han, Xuehai Qian, Yiyu Shi
- Abstract summary: Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have demonstrated great potentials in the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era.
We propose NAPA, a native-pulse ansatz generator framework for VQAs.
- Score: 18.66030936302464
- License:
- Abstract: Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have demonstrated great potentials in
the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. In the workflow of VQA, the
parameters of ansatz are iteratively updated to approximate the desired quantum
states. We have seen various efforts to draft better ansatz with less gates.
Some works consider the physical meaning of the underlying circuits, while
others adopt the ideas of neural architecture search (NAS) for ansatz
generator. However, these designs do not exploit the full advantages of VQAs.
Because most techniques target gate ansatz, and the parameters are usually
rotation angles of the gates. In quantum computers, the gate ansatz will
eventually be transformed into control signals such as microwave pulses on
superconducting qubits. These control pulses need elaborate calibrations to
minimize the errors such as over-rotation and under-rotation. In the case of
VQAs, this procedure will introduce redundancy, but the variational properties
of VQAs can naturally handle problems of over-rotation and under-rotation by
updating the amplitude and frequency parameters. Therefore, we propose NAPA, a
native-pulse ansatz generator framework for VQAs. We generate native-pulse
ansatz with trainable parameters for amplitudes and frequencies. In our
proposed NAPA, we are tuning parametric pulses, which are natively supported on
NISQ computers. Given the limited availability of gradient-based optimizers for
pulse-level quantum programs, we choose to deploy non-gradient optimizers in
our framework. To constrain the number of parameters sent to the optimizer, we
adopt a progressive way to generate our native-pulse ansatz. Experiments are
conducted on both simulators and quantum devices for Variational Quantum
Eigensolver (VQE) tasks to evaluate our methods.
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