Sinusoidal Sensitivity Calculation for Line Segment Geometries
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- Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2022 09:30:55 GMT
- Title: Sinusoidal Sensitivity Calculation for Line Segment Geometries
- Authors: Luciano Vinas and Atchar Sudyadhom
- Abstract summary: This paper presents a closed-form solution to the sinusoidal coil sensitivity model proposed by Kern et al.
It allows for precise computations of varied, simulated bias fields for ground-truth debias datasets.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Purpose: Provide a closed-form solution to the sinusoidal coil sensitivity
model proposed by Kern et al. This closed-form allows for precise computations
of varied, simulated bias fields for ground-truth debias datasets.
Methods: Fourier distribution theory and standard integration techniques were
used to calculate the Fourier transform for line segment magnetic fields.
Results: A $L^1_{\rm loc}(\mathbb{R}^3)$ function is derived in full
generality for arbitrary line segment geometries. Sampling criteria and
equivalence to the original sinusoidal model are also discussed. Lastly a CUDA
accelerated implementation $\texttt{biasgen}$ is provided by authors.
Conclusion: As the derived result is influenced by coil positioning and
geometry, practitioners will have access to a more diverse ecosystem of
simulated datasets which may be used to compare prospective debiasing methods.
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