Dissipative time crystals with long-range Lindbladians
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.11659v3
- Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 09:23:49 GMT
- Title: Dissipative time crystals with long-range Lindbladians
- Authors: Gianluca Passarelli, Procolo Lucignano, Rosario Fazio, Angelo
- Abstract summary: We show that time-translation breaking collective oscillations persist, in the thermodynamic limit, even in the absence of spin symmetry.
This model shows a surprisingly rich phase diagram, including the time-crystal phase as well as first-order, second-order, and continuous transitions of the fixed points.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Dissipative time crystals can appear in spin systems, when the $Z_2$ symmetry
of the Hamiltonian is broken by the environment, and the square of total spin
operator $S^2$ is conserved. In this manuscript, we relax the latter condition
and show that time-translation-symmetry breaking collective oscillations
persist, in the thermodynamic limit, even in the absence of spin symmetry. We
engineer an \textit{ad hoc} Lindbladian using power-law decaying spin operators
and show that time-translation symmetry breaking appears when the decay
exponent obeys $0<\eta\leq 1$. This model shows a surprisingly rich phase
diagram, including the time-crystal phase as well as first-order, second-order,
and continuous transitions of the fixed points. We study the phase diagram and
the magnetization dynamics in the mean-field approximation. We prove that this
approximation is quantitatively accurate, when $0<\eta\leq1$ and the
thermodynamic limit is taken, because the system does not develop sizable
quantum fluctuations, if the Gaussian approximation is considered.
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