On confidence intervals for precision matrices and the
eigendecomposition of covariance matrices
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.11977v1
- Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 10:12:53 GMT
- Title: On confidence intervals for precision matrices and the
eigendecomposition of covariance matrices
- Authors: Teodora Popordanoska, Aleksei Tiulpin, Wacha Bounliphone and Matthew
B. Blaschko
- Abstract summary: This paper tackles the challenge of computing confidence bounds on the individual entries of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix of fixed dimension.
We derive a method to bound the entries of the inverse covariance matrix, the so-called precision matrix.
As an application of these results, we demonstrate a new statistical test, which allows us to test for non-zero values of the precision matrix.
- Score: 20.20416580970697
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The eigendecomposition of a matrix is the central procedure in probabilistic
models based on matrix factorization, for instance principal component analysis
and topic models. Quantifying the uncertainty of such a decomposition based on
a finite sample estimate is essential to reasoning under uncertainty when
employing such models. This paper tackles the challenge of computing confidence
bounds on the individual entries of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix of
fixed dimension. Moreover, we derive a method to bound the entries of the
inverse covariance matrix, the so-called precision matrix. The assumptions
behind our method are minimal and require that the covariance matrix exists,
and its empirical estimator converges to the true covariance. We make use of
the theory of U-statistics to bound the $L_2$ perturbation of the empirical
covariance matrix. From this result, we obtain bounds on the eigenvectors using
Weyl's theorem and the eigenvalue-eigenvector identity and we derive confidence
intervals on the entries of the precision matrix using matrix inversion
perturbation bounds. As an application of these results, we demonstrate a new
statistical test, which allows us to test for non-zero values of the precision
matrix. We compare this test to the well-known Fisher-z test for partial
correlations, and demonstrate the soundness and scalability of the proposed
statistical test, as well as its application to real-world data from medical
and physics domains.
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