Binary Representation via Jointly Personalized Sparse Hashing
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- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 14:18:37 GMT
- Title: Binary Representation via Jointly Personalized Sparse Hashing
- Authors: Xiaoqin Wang, Chen Chen, Rushi Lan, Licheng Liu, Zhenbing Liu, Huiyu
Zhou and Xiaonan Luo
- Abstract summary: We propose an effective unsupervised method, namely Jointly Personalized Sparse Hashing (JPSH) for binary representation learning.
Different personalized subspaces are constructed to reflect category-specific attributes for different clusters.
To simultaneously preserve semantic and pairwise similarities in our JPSH, we incorporate the PSH and manifold-based hash learning into the seamless formulation.
- Score: 22.296464665032588
- License:
- Abstract: Unsupervised hashing has attracted much attention for binary representation
learning due to the requirement of economical storage and efficiency of binary
codes. It aims to encode high-dimensional features in the Hamming space with
similarity preservation between instances. However, most existing methods learn
hash functions in manifold-based approaches. Those methods capture the local
geometric structures (i.e., pairwise relationships) of data, and lack
satisfactory performance in dealing with real-world scenarios that produce
similar features (e.g. color and shape) with different semantic information. To
address this challenge, in this work, we propose an effective unsupervised
method, namely Jointly Personalized Sparse Hashing (JPSH), for binary
representation learning. To be specific, firstly, we propose a novel
personalized hashing module, i.e., Personalized Sparse Hashing (PSH). Different
personalized subspaces are constructed to reflect category-specific attributes
for different clusters, adaptively mapping instances within the same cluster to
the same Hamming space. In addition, we deploy sparse constraints for different
personalized subspaces to select important features. We also collect the
strengths of the other clusters to build the PSH module with avoiding
over-fitting. Then, to simultaneously preserve semantic and pairwise
similarities in our JPSH, we incorporate the PSH and manifold-based hash
learning into the seamless formulation. As such, JPSH not only distinguishes
the instances from different clusters, but also preserves local neighborhood
structures within the cluster. Finally, an alternating optimization algorithm
is adopted to iteratively capture analytical solutions of the JPSH model.
Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets verify that the JPSH
outperforms several hashing algorithms on the similarity search task.
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