Less is More: Rethinking State-of-the-art Continual Relation Extraction
Models with a Frustratingly Easy but Effective Approach
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.00243v1
- Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 06:08:07 GMT
- Title: Less is More: Rethinking State-of-the-art Continual Relation Extraction
Models with a Frustratingly Easy but Effective Approach
- Authors: Peiyi Wang, Yifan Song, Tianyu Liu, Rundong Gao, Binghuai Lin, Yunbo
Cao and Zhifang Sui
- Abstract summary: Continual relation extraction (CRE) requires the model to continually learn new relations from class-incremental data streams.
We propose a Frustratingly easy but Effective Approach (FEA) method with two learning stages for CRE.
- Score: 35.377756110634515
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Continual relation extraction (CRE) requires the model to continually learn
new relations from class-incremental data streams. In this paper, we propose a
Frustratingly easy but Effective Approach (FEA) method with two learning stages
for CRE: 1) Fast Adaption (FA) warms up the model with only new data. 2)
Balanced Tuning (BT) finetunes the model on the balanced memory data. Despite
its simplicity, FEA achieves comparable (on TACRED or superior (on FewRel)
performance compared with the state-of-the-art baselines. With careful
examinations, we find that the data imbalance between new and old relations
leads to a skewed decision boundary in the head classifiers over the pretrained
encoders, thus hurting the overall performance. In FEA, the FA stage unleashes
the potential of memory data for the subsequent finetuning, while the BT stage
helps establish a more balanced decision boundary. With a unified view, we find
that two strong CRE baselines can be subsumed into the proposed training
pipeline. The success of FEA also provides actionable insights and suggestions
for future model designing in CRE.
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