Multi-Objective Policy Gradients with Topological Constraints
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- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 07:22:58 GMT
- Title: Multi-Objective Policy Gradients with Topological Constraints
- Authors: Kyle Hollins Wray, Stas Tiomkin, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Pieter Abbeel
- Abstract summary: We present a new algorithm for a policy gradient in TMDPs by a simple extension of the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm.
We demonstrate this on a real-world multiple-objective navigation problem with an arbitrary ordering of objectives both in simulation and on a real robot.
- Score: 108.10241442630289
- License:
- Abstract: Multi-objective optimization models that encode ordered sequential
constraints provide a solution to model various challenging problems including
encoding preferences, modeling a curriculum, and enforcing measures of safety.
A recently developed theory of topological Markov decision processes (TMDPs)
captures this range of problems for the case of discrete states and actions. In
this work, we extend TMDPs towards continuous spaces and unknown transition
dynamics by formulating, proving, and implementing the policy gradient theorem
for TMDPs. This theoretical result enables the creation of TMDP learning
algorithms that use function approximators, and can generalize existing deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches. Specifically, we present a new
algorithm for a policy gradient in TMDPs by a simple extension of the proximal
policy optimization (PPO) algorithm. We demonstrate this on a real-world
multiple-objective navigation problem with an arbitrary ordering of objectives
both in simulation and on a real robot.
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