Dive into Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Analysis: Data,
Models and Tasks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.12157v2
- Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 03:16:02 GMT
- Title: Dive into Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Analysis: Data,
Models and Tasks
- Authors: Chuyan Zhang and Yun Gu
- Abstract summary: Self-supervised learning has achieved remarkable performance in various medical imaging tasks by dint of priors from massive unlabelled data.
We focus on exploiting the capacity of SSL in terms of four realistic and significant issues.
We provide a large-scale, in-depth and fine-grained study through extensive experiments on predictive, contrastive, generative and multi-SSL algorithms.
- Score: 8.720079280914169
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has achieved remarkable performance in various
medical imaging tasks by dint of priors from massive unlabelled data. However,
regarding a specific downstream task, there is still a lack of an instruction
book on how to select suitable pretext tasks and implementation details
throughout the standard ``pretrain-then-finetune'' workflow. In this work, we
focus on exploiting the capacity of SSL in terms of four realistic and
significant issues: (1) the impact of SSL on imbalanced datasets, (2) the
network architecture, (3) the applicability of upstream tasks to downstream
tasks and (4) the stacking effect of SSL and common policies for deep learning.
We provide a large-scale, in-depth and fine-grained study through extensive
experiments on predictive, contrastive, generative and multi-SSL algorithms.
Based on the results, we have uncovered several insights. Positively, SSL
advances class-imbalanced learning mainly by boosting the performance of the
rare class, which is of interest to clinical diagnosis. Unfortunately, SSL
offers marginal or even negative returns in some cases, including severely
imbalanced and relatively balanced data regimes, as well as combinations with
common training policies. Our intriguing findings provide practical guidelines
for the usage of SSL in the medical context and highlight the need for
developing universal pretext tasks to accommodate diverse application
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