Learning Minimally-Violating Continuous Control for Infeasible Linear
Temporal Logic Specifications
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01162v2
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 02:46:50 GMT
- Title: Learning Minimally-Violating Continuous Control for Infeasible Linear
Temporal Logic Specifications
- Authors: Mingyu Cai, Makai Mann, Zachary Serlin, Kevin Leahy, Cristian-Ioan
- Abstract summary: This paper explores continuous-time control for target-driven navigation to satisfy complex high-level tasks expressed as linear temporal logic (LTL)
We propose a model-free synthesis framework using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) where the underlying dynamic system is unknown (an opaque box)
- Score: 2.496282558123411
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This paper explores continuous-time control synthesis for target-driven
navigation to satisfy complex high-level tasks expressed as linear temporal
logic (LTL). We propose a model-free framework using deep reinforcement
learning (DRL) where the underlying dynamic system is unknown (an opaque box).
Unlike prior work, this paper considers scenarios where the given LTL
specification might be infeasible and therefore cannot be accomplished
globally. Instead of modifying the given LTL formula, we provide a general
DRL-based approach to satisfy it with minimal violation.
%\mminline{Need to decide if we're comfortable calling these "guarantees" due
to the stochastic policy. I'm not repeating this comment everywhere that says
"guarantees" but there are multiple places.}
To do this, we transform a previously multi-objective DRL problem, which
requires simultaneous automata satisfaction and minimum violation cost, into a
single objective. By guiding the DRL agent with a sampling-based path planning
algorithm for the potentially infeasible LTL task, the proposed approach
mitigates the myopic tendencies of DRL, which are often an issue when learning
general LTL tasks that can have long or infinite horizons. This is achieved by
decomposing an infeasible LTL formula into several reach-avoid sub-tasks with
shorter horizons, which can be trained in a modular DRL architecture.
Furthermore, we overcome the challenge of the exploration process for DRL in
complex and cluttered environments by using path planners to design rewards
that are dense in the configuration space. The benefits of the presented
approach are demonstrated through testing on various complex nonlinear systems
and compared with state-of-the-art baselines. The Video demonstration can be
found on YouTube Channel:\url{https://youtu.be/jBhx6Nv224E}.
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