Excited state spinmerism in high-field Fe(II)-verdazyl molecular
complex: versatile local spins for quantum information
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.02325v1
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 15:23:41 GMT
- Title: Excited state spinmerism in high-field Fe(II)-verdazyl molecular
complex: versatile local spins for quantum information
- Authors: Pablo Roseiro, David J. R. Brook, Nadia Ben Amor, Vincent Robert, and
Saad Yalouz
- Abstract summary: Quantum entanglement between the spin states of a metal centre and radical is suggested in an iron(II) [Fe(dipyvd)$$]$2+$ compound.
Wave inspections were carried out to stress the versatility of local spin states.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Quantum entanglement between the spin states of a metal centre and radical
ligands is suggested in an iron(II) [Fe(dipyvd)$_2$]$^{2+}$ compound (dipyvd =
1-isopropyl-3,5-dipyridil-6-oxoverdazyl). Wavefunction \textit{ab initio}
(Difference Dedicated Configuration Interaction, DDCI) inspections were carried
out to stress the versatility of local spin states. We name this phenomenon
\textit{excited state spinmerism}, in reference to our previous work (see
Roseiro et. al., ChemPhysChem, https://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.202200478 (2022))
where we introduced the concept of \textit{spinmerism} as an extension of
mesomerism to spin degrees of freedom. The construction of localized molecular
orbitals allows for a reading of the wavefunctions and projections onto the
local spin states. The low-energy spectrum is well-depicted by a Heisenberg
picture. A 60 cm$^{-1}$ ferromagnetic interaction is calculated between the
radical ligands with the $S_{total} = 0$ and $1$ states largely dominated by a
local low-spin $S_{Fe} = 0$. In contrast, the higher-lying $S_{total} = 2$
states are superpositions of the local $S_{Fe} = 1$ $(17\%, 62\% )$ and $S_{Fe}
= 2$ $(72\%, 21\% )$ spin states. Such mixing extends the traditional picture
of a high-field $d^6$ Tanabe-Sugano diagram. Even in the absence of spin-orbit
coupling, the avoided crossing between different local spin states is triggered
by the crystal field generated by radical ligands. This puzzling scenario
emerges from versatile local spin states in compounds of interest for
spin-qubit generation.
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