A Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.04317v2
- Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 18:52:49 GMT
- Title: A Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory
- Authors: Duc Nguyen and Anderson Zhang
- Abstract summary: We propose a emphnew item estimation algorithm for the Rasch model.
The core of our algorithm is the computation of the stationary distribution of a Markov chain defined on an item-item graph.
Experiments on synthetic and real-life datasets show that our algorithm is scalable, accurate, and competitive with the most commonly used methods in the literature.
- Score: 6.5268245109828005
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The Rasch model is one of the most fundamental models in \emph{item response
theory} and has wide-ranging applications from education testing to
recommendation systems. In a universe with $n$ users and $m$ items, the Rasch
model assumes that the binary response $X_{li} \in \{0,1\}$ of a user $l$ with
parameter $\theta^*_l$ to an item $i$ with parameter $\beta^*_i$ (e.g., a user
likes a movie, a student correctly solves a problem) is distributed as
$\Pr(X_{li}=1) = 1/(1 + \exp{-(\theta^*_l - \beta^*_i)})$. In this paper, we
propose a \emph{new item estimation} algorithm for this celebrated model (i.e.,
to estimate $\beta^*$). The core of our algorithm is the computation of the
stationary distribution of a Markov chain defined on an item-item graph. We
complement our algorithmic contributions with finite-sample error guarantees,
the first of their kind in the literature, showing that our algorithm is
consistent and enjoys favorable optimality properties. We discuss practical
modifications to accelerate and robustify the algorithm that practitioners can
adopt. Experiments on synthetic and real-life datasets, ranging from small
education testing datasets to large recommendation systems datasets show that
our algorithm is scalable, accurate, and competitive with the most commonly
used methods in the literature.
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