Comparison of Soft and Hard Target RNN-T Distillation for Large-scale
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- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 21:32:34 GMT
- Title: Comparison of Soft and Hard Target RNN-T Distillation for Large-scale
- Authors: Dongseong Hwang, Khe Chai Sim, Yu Zhang, Trevor Strohman
- Abstract summary: We focus on knowledge distillation for the RNN-T model, which is widely used in state-of-the-art (SoTA) automatic speech recognition (ASR)
We found that hard tar-gets are more effective when the teacher and student have different architecture, such as large teacher and small streaming student.
For a large model with0.6B weights, we achieve a new SoTA word error rate (WER) on LibriSpeech using Noisy Student Training with soft target distillation.
- Score: 12.953149757081025
- License:
- Abstract: Knowledge distillation is an effective machine learning technique to transfer
knowledge from a teacher model to a smaller student model, especially with
unlabeled data. In this paper, we focus on knowledge distillation for the RNN-T
model, which is widely used in state-of-the-art (SoTA) automatic speech
recognition (ASR). Specifically, we compared using soft and hard target
distillation to train large-scaleRNN-T models on the LibriSpeech/LibriLight
public dataset (60k hours) and our in-house data (600k hours). We found that
hard tar-gets are more effective when the teacher and student have different
architecture, such as large teacher and small streaming student. On the other
hand, soft target distillation works better in self-training scenario like
iterative large teacher training. For a large model with0.6B weights, we
achieve a new SoTA word error rate (WER) on LibriSpeech (8% relative
improvement on dev-other) using Noisy Student Training with soft target
distillation. It also allows our production teacher to adapt new data domain
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