Discussion about Attacks and Defenses for Fair and Robust Recommendation
System Design
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.07817v1
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:00:26 GMT
- Title: Discussion about Attacks and Defenses for Fair and Robust Recommendation
System Design
- Authors: Mirae Kim, Simon Woo
- Abstract summary: Recommendation systems are vulnerable to malicious user biases, such as fake reviews to promote or demote specific products.
Deep-learning collaborative filtering recommendation systems have shown to be more vulnerable to this bias.
We discuss the need for designing the robust recommendation system for fairness and stability.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Information has exploded on the Internet and mobile with the advent of the
big data era. In particular, recommendation systems are widely used to help
consumers who struggle to select the best products among such a large amount of
information. However, recommendation systems are vulnerable to malicious user
biases, such as fake reviews to promote or demote specific products, as well as
attacks that steal personal information. Such biases and attacks compromise the
fairness of the recommendation model and infringe the privacy of users and
systems by distorting data.Recently, deep-learning collaborative filtering
recommendation systems have shown to be more vulnerable to this bias. In this
position paper, we examine the effects of bias that cause various ethical and
social issues, and discuss the need for designing the robust recommendation
system for fairness and stability.
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