Error-correcting codes for fermionic quantum simulation
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- Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:31:09 GMT
- Title: Error-correcting codes for fermionic quantum simulation
- Authors: Yu-An Chen, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Yijia Xu
- Abstract summary: We present methodologies for fermions via qubit systems on a two-dimensional lattice algorithm.
We identify a family of stabilizer codes suitable for fermion simulation.
Our method can increase the code distances without decreasing the (fermionic) code rate.
- Score: 4.199246521960609
- License:
- Abstract: Utilizing the framework of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theories in the
context of Pauli stabilizer codes, we present methodologies for simulating
fermions via qubit systems on a two-dimensional square lattice. We investigate
the symplectic automorphisms of the Pauli module over the Laurent polynomial
ring. This enables us to systematically increase the code distances of
stabilizer codes while fixing the rate between encoded logical fermions and
physical qubits. We identify a family of stabilizer codes suitable for fermion
simulation, achieving code distances of $d=2,3,4,5,6,7$, allowing correction of
any $\lfloor \frac{d-1}{2} \rfloor$-qubit error. In contrast to the traditional
code concatenation approach, our method can increase the code distances without
decreasing the (fermionic) code rate. In particular, we explicitly show all
stabilizers and logical operators for codes with code distances of $d=3,4,5$.
We provide syndromes for all Pauli errors and invent a syndrome-matching
algorithm to compute code distances numerically.
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