Monitoring variations of refractive index via Hilbert-Schmidt speed and
applying this phenomenon to improve quantum metrology
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- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 19:06:18 GMT
- Title: Monitoring variations of refractive index via Hilbert-Schmidt speed and
applying this phenomenon to improve quantum metrology
- Authors: Seyed Mohammad Hosseiny, Hossein Rangani Jahromi, Mahdi Amniat-Talab
- Abstract summary: We investigate the role of the nonlinear response of a material to improve quantum metrology.
We introduce Hilbert-Schmidt speed, an easily computable theoretical tool, to monitor the variations of linear as well as nonlinear refractive indices.
We illustrate that quantum Fisher information and Hilbert-Schmidt speed can efficiently detect negative permittivity and refractive index.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Effective nonlinear optical interactions are essential for many applications
in modern photonics. In this paper, we investigate the role of the nonlinear
response of a material to improve quantum metrology. In particular, the
collective optical behavior of an atomic ensemble is applied to enhance
frequency estimation through one of the atoms. Moreover, we introduce
Hilbert-Schmidt speed, an easily computable theoretical tool, to monitor the
variations of linear as well as nonlinear refractive indices and evaluate the
strength of the nonlinear response of optical materials. Furthermore, we
illustrate that quantum Fisher information and Hilbert-Schmidt speed can
efficiently detect negative permittivity and refractive index, which is of
great importance from a practical point of view.
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