論文の概要: Interpretable Machine Learning for Detection and Classification of
Ransomware Families Based on API Calls
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11235v1
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2022 15:54:45 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-21 16:00:29.511670
- Title: Interpretable Machine Learning for Detection and Classification of
Ransomware Families Based on API Calls
- Title(参考訳): api呼び出しに基づくランサムウェアファミリーの検出と分類のための解釈可能な機械学習
- Authors: Rawshan Ara Mowri, Madhuri Siddula, Kaushik Roy
- Abstract要約: この研究は、ランサムウェアファミリーを検出し分類するために、異なるAPI呼び出しの周波数を利用する。
WebCrawlerは15種類のランサムウェアファミリーのWindows Portable Executable PEファイルの収集を自動化するために開発された。
Logistic Regressionは、ランサムウェアを9915の精度で対応する家族に効率的に分類することができる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 5.340730281227837
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Ransomware has appeared as one of the major global threats in recent days The
alarming increasing rate of ransomware attacks and new ransomware variants
intrigue the researchers to constantly examine the distinguishing traits of
ransomware and refine their detection strategies Application Programming
Interface API is a way for one program to collaborate with another API calls
are the medium by which they communicate Ransomware uses this strategy to
interact with the OS and makes a significantly higher number of calls in
different sequences to ask for taking action This research work utilizes the
frequencies of different API calls to detect and classify ransomware families
First a WebCrawler is developed to automate collecting the Windows Portable
Executable PE files of 15 different ransomware families By extracting different
frequencies of 68 API calls we develop our dataset in the first phase of the
two phase feature engineering process After selecting the most significant
features in the second phase of the feature engineering process we deploy six
Supervised Machine Learning models Naive Bayes Logistic Regression Random
Forest Stochastic Gradient Descent K Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector
Machine Then the performances of all the classifiers are compared to select the
best model The results reveal that Logistic Regression can efficiently classify
ransomware into their corresponding families securing 9915 accuracy Finally
instead of relying on the Black box characteristic of the Machine Learning
models we present the interpretability of our best performing model using SHAP
values to ascertain the transparency and trustworthiness of the models
- Abstract(参考訳): Ransomware has appeared as one of the major global threats in recent days The alarming increasing rate of ransomware attacks and new ransomware variants intrigue the researchers to constantly examine the distinguishing traits of ransomware and refine their detection strategies Application Programming Interface API is a way for one program to collaborate with another API calls are the medium by which they communicate Ransomware uses this strategy to interact with the OS and makes a significantly higher number of calls in different sequences to ask for taking action This research work utilizes the frequencies of different API calls to detect and classify ransomware families First a WebCrawler is developed to automate collecting the Windows Portable Executable PE files of 15 different ransomware families By extracting different frequencies of 68 API calls we develop our dataset in the first phase of the two phase feature engineering process After selecting the most significant features in the second phase of the feature engineering process we deploy six Supervised Machine Learning models Naive Bayes Logistic Regression Random Forest Stochastic Gradient Descent K Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine Then the performances of all the classifiers are compared to select the best model The results reveal that Logistic Regression can efficiently classify ransomware into their corresponding families securing 9915 accuracy Finally instead of relying on the Black box characteristic of the Machine Learning models we present the interpretability of our best performing model using SHAP values to ascertain the transparency and trustworthiness of the models prediction
- A Sysmon Incremental Learning System for Ransomware Analysis and Detection [1.495391051525033]
本稿では,Sysmon Incremental Learning System for Analysis and Detection (SILRAD)を提案する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2025-01-02T06:22:58Z) - Zero-day attack and ransomware detection [0.0]
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I SBI 2023のWASPSYNチャレンジでは、我々の手法が第1位にランクインした。
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このデータセットは、Windows 10仮想マシンで実行される数千のマルウェアサンプルに対するAPI呼び出しシーケンスを提供する。
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これらの攻撃はFull DOS、Extended、Shiftと呼ばれ、DOSヘッダをそれぞれ操作し、拡張し、第1セクションの内容を変更することで、敵のペイロードを注入する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-08-17T07:16:57Z)