論文の概要: Responsive Operations for Key Services (ROKS): A Modular, Low SWaP
Quantum Communications Payload
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11285v1
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 14:04:22 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-18 20:11:52.557048
- Title: Responsive Operations for Key Services (ROKS): A Modular, Low SWaP
Quantum Communications Payload
- Title(参考訳): 鍵サービス(ROKS:Responsive Operations for Key Services) - モジュール型低SWaP量子通信ペイロード
- Authors: Craig D. Colquhoun, Hazel Jeffrey, Steve Greenland, Sonali Mohapatra,
Colin Aitken, Mikulas Cebecauer, Charlotte Crawshaw, Kenny Jeffrey, Toby
Jeffreys, Philippos Karagiannakis, Ahren McTaggart, Caitlin Stark, Jack Wood,
Siddarth K. Joshi, Jaya Sagar, Elliott Hastings, Peide Zhang, Milan Stefko,
David Lowndes, John G. Rarity, Jasminder S. Sidhu, Thomas Brougham, Duncan
McArthur, Robert G. Pousa, Daniel K. L. Oi, Matthew Warden, Eilidh Johnston,
John Leck
- Abstract要約: 量子鍵分散(QKD)は、理論上証明された将来的なセキュアな暗号化手法であり、そのセキュリティを基本的な物理原理から継承する。
Craft Prospectは、ナノサテライトなどの小さなプラットフォームで使用できるように、QKDを可能にする技術を小型化することに重点を置いている。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.17518974628738032
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a theoretically proven future-proof secure
encryption method that inherits its security from fundamental physical
principles. Craft Prospect, working with a number of UK organisations, has been
focused on miniaturising the technologies that enable QKD so that they may be
used in smaller platforms including nanosatellites. The significant reduction
of size, and therefore the cost of launching quantum communication technologies
either on a dedicated platform or hosted as part of a larger optical
communications will improve potential access to quantum encryption on a
relatively quick timescale. The ROKS mission seeks to be among the first to
send a QKD payload on a CubeSat into low Earth orbit, demonstrating the
capabilities of newly developed modular quantum technologies. The ROKS payload
comprises a quantum source module that supplies photons randomly in any of four
linear polarisation states fed from a quantum random number generator; an
acquisition, pointing, and tracking system to fine-tune alignment of the
quantum source beam with an optical ground station; an imager that will detect
cloud cover autonomously; and an onboard computer that controls and monitors
the other modules, which manages the payload and assures the overall
performance and security of the system. Each of these modules have been
developed with low SWaP for CubeSats, but with interoperability in mind for
other satellite form factors. We present each of the listed components,
together with the initial test results from our test bench and the performance
of our protoflight models prior to initial integration with the 6U CubeSat
platform systems. The completed ROKS payload will be ready for flight at the
end of 2022, with various modular components already being baselined for flight
and integrated into third party communication missions.
- Abstract(参考訳): 量子鍵分散(QKD)は、理論上証明された将来的なセキュアな暗号化手法であり、そのセキュリティを基本的な物理原理から継承する。
多くの英国組織と協力しているCraft Prospectは、ナノサテライトを含む小さなプラットフォームで使用できるように、QKDを可能にする技術を小型化することに重点を置いている。
The ROKS payload comprises a quantum source module that supplies photons randomly in any of four linear polarisation states fed from a quantum random number generator; an acquisition, pointing, and tracking system to fine-tune alignment of the quantum source beam with an optical ground station; an imager that will detect cloud cover autonomously; and an onboard computer that controls and monitors the other modules, which manages the payload and assures the overall performance and security of the system.
6u cubesatプラットフォームシステムとの最初の統合の前に、テストベンチからの最初のテスト結果と、protoflightモデルのパフォーマンスと共に、リストされた各コンポーネントを紹介します。
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