UNIFY: a Unified Policy Designing Framework for Solving Constrained
Optimization Problems with Machine Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.14030v1
- Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 14:09:24 GMT
- Title: UNIFY: a Unified Policy Designing Framework for Solving Constrained
Optimization Problems with Machine Learning
- Authors: Mattia Silvestri, Allegra De Filippo, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano
- Abstract summary: We propose a unified framework to design a solution policy for complex decision-making problems.
Our approach relies on a clever decomposition of the policy in two stages, namely an unconstrained ML model and a CO problem.
We demonstrate the method effectiveness on two practical problems, namely an Energy Management System and the Set Multi-cover with coverage requirements.
- Score: 18.183339583346005
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The interplay between Machine Learning (ML) and Constrained Optimization (CO)
has recently been the subject of increasing interest, leading to a new and
prolific research area covering (e.g.) Decision Focused Learning and
Constrained Reinforcement Learning. Such approaches strive to tackle complex
decision problems under uncertainty over multiple stages, involving both
explicit (cost function, constraints) and implicit knowledge (from data), and
possibly subject to execution time restrictions. While a good degree of success
has been achieved, the existing methods still have limitations in terms of both
applicability and effectiveness. For problems in this class, we propose UNIFY,
a unified framework to design a solution policy for complex decision-making
problems. Our approach relies on a clever decomposition of the policy in two
stages, namely an unconstrained ML model and a CO problem, to take advantage of
the strength of each approach while compensating for its weaknesses. With a
little design effort, UNIFY can generalize several existing approaches, thus
extending their applicability. We demonstrate the method effectiveness on two
practical problems, namely an Energy Management System and the Set Multi-cover
with stochastic coverage requirements. Finally, we highlight some current
challenges of our method and future research directions that can benefit from
the cross-fertilization of the two fields.
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