論文の概要: End-to-end Tracking with a Multi-query Transformer
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.14601v1
- Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 10:19:37 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-27 14:58:29.797572
- Title: End-to-end Tracking with a Multi-query Transformer
- Title(参考訳): マルチクエリ変換器によるエンドツーエンドトラッキング
- Authors: Bruno Korbar and Andrew Zisserman
- Abstract要約: マルチオブジェクトトラッキング(MOT)は、時間とともにシーン内のオブジェクトの位置、外観、アイデンティティを同時に推論する必要がある課題である。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 96.13468602635082
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Multiple-object tracking (MOT) is a challenging task that requires
simultaneous reasoning about location, appearance, and identity of the objects
in the scene over time. Our aim in this paper is to move beyond
tracking-by-detection approaches, that perform well on datasets where the
object classes are known, to class-agnostic tracking that performs well also
for unknown object classes.To this end, we make the following three
contributions: first, we introduce {\em semantic detector queries} that enable
an object to be localized by specifying its approximate position, or its
appearance, or both; second, we use these queries within an auto-regressive
framework for tracking, and propose a multi-query tracking transformer
(\textit{MQT}) model for simultaneous tracking and appearance-based
re-identification (reID) based on the transformer architecture with deformable
attention. This formulation allows the tracker to operate in a class-agnostic
manner, and the model can be trained end-to-end; finally, we demonstrate that
\textit{MQT} performs competitively on standard MOT benchmarks, outperforms all
baselines on generalised-MOT, and generalises well to a much harder tracking
problems such as tracking any object on the TAO dataset.
- Abstract(参考訳): マルチオブジェクトトラッキング(MOT)は、時間とともにシーン内のオブジェクトの位置、外観、アイデンティティを同時に推論する必要がある課題である。
Our aim in this paper is to move beyond tracking-by-detection approaches, that perform well on datasets where the object classes are known, to class-agnostic tracking that performs well also for unknown object classes.To this end, we make the following three contributions: first, we introduce {\em semantic detector queries} that enable an object to be localized by specifying its approximate position, or its appearance, or both; second, we use these queries within an auto-regressive framework for tracking, and propose a multi-query tracking transformer (\textit{MQT}) model for simultaneous tracking and appearance-based re-identification (reID) based on the transformer architecture with deformable attention.
この定式化により、トラッカーはクラスに依存しない方法で動作し、モデルをエンドツーエンドにトレーニングすることができる。最後に、 \textit{MQT} が標準MOTベンチマークで競争力を発揮し、一般化MOTで全てのベースラインを上回り、TAOデータセット上のオブジェクトをトラッキングするなど、より難しいトラッキング問題にうまく一般化する。
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