Optimizing for periodicity: a model-independent approach to flux
crosstalk calibration for superconducting circuits
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.01497v2
- Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 00:39:51 GMT
- Title: Optimizing for periodicity: a model-independent approach to flux
crosstalk calibration for superconducting circuits
- Authors: X. Dai, R. Trappen, R. Yang, S. M. Disseler, J. I. Basham, J. Gibson,
A. J. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski, R. Das, D. K. Kim, J. L. Yoder, S. J.
Weber, C. F. Hirjibehedin, D. A. Lidar, and A. Lupascu
- Abstract summary: Large-scale quantum computers based on flux-tunable superconducting circuits face the problem of flux crosstalk.
We propose a new method for calibrating flux crosstalk, which is independent of the underlying circuit model.
We demonstrate this method on a small-scale quantum annealing circuit based on superconducting flux qubits.
- Score: 0.2236338337974111
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Flux tunability is an important engineering resource for superconducting
circuits. Large-scale quantum computers based on flux-tunable superconducting
circuits face the problem of flux crosstalk, which needs to be accurately
calibrated to realize high-fidelity quantum operations. Typical calibration
methods either assume that circuit elements can be effectively decoupled and
simple models can be applied, or require a large amount of data. Such methods
become ineffective as the system size increases and circuit interactions become
stronger. Here we propose a new method for calibrating flux crosstalk, which is
independent of the underlying circuit model. Using the fundamental property
that superconducting circuits respond periodically to external fluxes,
crosstalk calibration of N flux channels can be treated as N independent
optimization problems, with the objective functions being the periodicity of a
measured signal depending on the compensation parameters. We demonstrate this
method on a small-scale quantum annealing circuit based on superconducting flux
qubits, achieving comparable accuracy with previous methods. We also show that
the objective function usually has a nearly convex landscape, allowing
efficient optimization.
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