A Deep Double Ritz Method for solving Partial Differential Equations
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.03627v1
- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 15:34:07 GMT
- Title: A Deep Double Ritz Method for solving Partial Differential Equations
- Authors: Carlos Uriarte and David Pardo and Ignacio Muga and Judit
- Abstract summary: Residual minimization is a widely used technique for solving Partial Differential Equations in variational form.
It minimizes the dual norm of the residual, which naturally yields a saddle-point (min-max) problem over the so-called trial and test spaces.
- Score: 0.5161531917413708
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Residual minimization is a widely used technique for solving Partial
Differential Equations in variational form. It minimizes the dual norm of the
residual, which naturally yields a saddle-point (min-max) problem over the
so-called trial and test spaces. Such min-max problem is highly non-linear, and
traditional methods often employ different mixed formulations to approximate
it. Alternatively, it is possible to address the above saddle-point problem by
employing Adversarial Neural Networks: one network approximates the global
trial minimum, while another network seeks the test maximizer. However, this
approach is numerically unstable due to a lack of continuity of the text
maximizers with respect to the trial functions as we approach the exact
solution. To overcome this, we reformulate the residual minimization as an
equivalent minimization of a Ritz functional fed by optimal test functions
computed from another Ritz functional minimization. The resulting Deep Double
Ritz Method combines two Neural Networks for approximating the trial and
optimal test functions. Numerical results on several 1D diffusion and
convection problems support the robustness of our method up to the
approximability and trainability capacity of the networks and the optimizer.
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