ParGAN: Learning Real Parametrizable Transformations
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- Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2022 16:16:06 GMT
- Title: ParGAN: Learning Real Parametrizable Transformations
- Authors: Diego Martin Arroyo, Alessio Tonioni, Federico Tombari
- Abstract summary: We propose ParGAN, a generalization of the cycle-consistent GAN framework to learn image transformations.
The proposed generator takes as input both an image and a parametrization of the transformation.
We show how, with disjoint image domains with no annotated parametrization, our framework can create smooths as well as learn multiple transformations simultaneously.
- Score: 50.51405390150066
- License:
- Abstract: Current methods for image-to-image translation produce compelling results,
however, the applied transformation is difficult to control, since existing
mechanisms are often limited and non-intuitive. We propose ParGAN, a
generalization of the cycle-consistent GAN framework to learn image
transformations with simple and intuitive controls. The proposed generator
takes as input both an image and a parametrization of the transformation. We
train this network to preserve the content of the input image while ensuring
that the result is consistent with the given parametrization. Our approach does
not require paired data and can learn transformations across several tasks and
datasets. We show how, with disjoint image domains with no annotated
parametrization, our framework can create smooth interpolations as well as
learn multiple transformations simultaneously.
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