Are Straight-Through gradients and Soft-Thresholding all you need for
Sparse Training?
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- Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 10:32:44 GMT
- Title: Are Straight-Through gradients and Soft-Thresholding all you need for
Sparse Training?
- Authors: Antoine Vanderschueren and Christophe De Vleeschouwer
- Abstract summary: Turning weights to zero when training a neural network helps in reducing the computational complexity at inference.
To progressively increase the sparsity ratio in the network without causing sharp weight discontinuities during training, our work combines soft-thresholding and straight-through gradient estimation.
Our method, named ST-3 for straight-through/soft-thresholding/sparse-training, obtains SoA results, both in terms of accuracy/sparsity and accuracy/FLOPS trade-offs.
- Score: 21.889275006087875
- License:
- Abstract: Turning the weights to zero when training a neural network helps in reducing
the computational complexity at inference. To progressively increase the
sparsity ratio in the network without causing sharp weight discontinuities
during training, our work combines soft-thresholding and straight-through
gradient estimation to update the raw, i.e. non-thresholded, version of zeroed
weights. Our method, named ST-3 for
straight-through/soft-thresholding/sparse-training, obtains SoA results, both
in terms of accuracy/sparsity and accuracy/FLOPS trade-offs, when progressively
increasing the sparsity ratio in a single training cycle. In particular,
despite its simplicity, ST-3 favorably compares to the most recent methods,
adopting differentiable formulations or bio-inspired neuroregeneration
principles. This suggests that the key ingredients for effective sparsification
primarily lie in the ability to give the weights the freedom to evolve smoothly
across the zero state while progressively increasing the sparsity ratio. Source
code and weights available at
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