論文の概要: A new eye segmentation method based on improved U2Net in TCM eye
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.02989v1
- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 14:00:58 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-12-07 17:44:08.385537
- Title: A new eye segmentation method based on improved U2Net in TCM eye
- Title(参考訳): TCM眼科診断における改善U2Netに基づく新しいアイセグメンテーション法
- Authors: Peng Hong
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,U2Netネットワークのアーキテクチャに基づくRes-UNetを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: For the diagnosis of Chinese medicine, tongue segmentation has reached a
fairly mature point, but it has little application in the eye diagnosis of
Chinese medicine.First, this time we propose Res-UNet based on the architecture
of the U2Net network, and use the Data Enhancement Toolkit based on small
datasets, Finally, the feature blocks after noise reduction are fused with the
high-level features.Finally, the number of network parameters and inference
time are used as evaluation indicators to evaluate the model. At the same time,
different eye data segmentation frames were compared using Miou, Precision,
Recall, F1-Score and FLOPS. To convince people, we cite the UBIVIS. V1 public
dataset this time, in which Miou reaches 97.8%, S-measure reaches 97.7%,
F1-Score reaches 99.09% and for 320*320 RGB input images, the total parameter
volume is 167.83 MB,Due to the excessive number of parameters, we experimented
with a small-scale U2Net combined with a Res module with a parameter volume of
4.63 MB, which is similar to U2Net in related indicators, which verifies the
effectiveness of our structure.which achieves the best segmentation effect in
all the comparison networks and lays a foundation for the application of
subsequent visual apparatus recognition symptoms.
- Abstract(参考訳): For the diagnosis of Chinese medicine, tongue segmentation has reached a fairly mature point, but it has little application in the eye diagnosis of Chinese medicine.First, this time we propose Res-UNet based on the architecture of the U2Net network, and use the Data Enhancement Toolkit based on small datasets, Finally, the feature blocks after noise reduction are fused with the high-level features.Finally, the number of network parameters and inference time are used as evaluation indicators to evaluate the model.
V1 public dataset this time, in which Miou reaches 97.8%, S-measure reaches 97.7%, F1-Score reaches 99.09% and for 320*320 RGB input images, the total parameter volume is 167.83 MB,Due to the excessive number of parameters, we experimented with a small-scale U2Net combined with a Res module with a parameter volume of 4.63 MB, which is similar to U2Net in related indicators, which verifies the effectiveness of our structure.which achieves the best segmentation effect in all the comparison networks and lays a foundation for the application of subsequent visual apparatus recognition symptoms.
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